My life for art

Jubilee exhibition by Erhard Schiel

In March, Erhard Schiel celebrated his eightieth birthday. And so the municipality of St. Peter-Ording celebrated its artist in a fitting manner. The birthday boy showed a selection of his works. But that’s not all: now there is the big anniversary exhibition and Erhard and Ingrid Schiel cordially invite you to attend.

The anniversary exhibition will take place from 26 June to 30 September 2023.

All information at a glance:

Jubiläums-Ausstellung vom 26.06. – 30.09.2023
Montag bis Freitag 11.00 – 18.00 Uhr
und nach telefonischer Vereinbarung unter Tel. 04863-3086

Erhard Schiel
Freischaffender Künstler
Bövergeest 87a
25826 St. Peter-Ording
Tel. 04863-3086